
Showing posts with the label Other

Pr-EP, An HIV Prevention Drug

We are living in the Era where everything is commercialized, surprisingly  even sex. Calling it a porn generation hope am not wrong. The generation where girls prefer contradicting HIV to conceiving is really ridiculous. Are we really safe, do you ride with a helmet on or you are just reckless on slippery roads without helmets?. Besides joking, life is precious, it's irreplaceable take care always. The new drug code named Pr-EP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)  is made to help the HIV negative people from acquiring HIV. The include those at the substantial risks like the commercial sex workers, men who have sex with men, long truck drivers, serodiscordants, heterosexuals and the Transgender. As per medics, the drug doesn't work immediately and the person is supposed to take a daily pill for at least 7days to be effective. Clearing the air further, people shouldn't anticipate the risky sexual encounters in the evening and take it in the morning and th...

No Vehicle Inspection Deadline

Minister clarifies that the deadline has just been removed and the exercise should continue. Before clouds of speculations had formed around the deadline for the vehicle inspection exercise provoking parliamentary legislators to react on the matters with fears of congestion at the inspection centers.  Clearing the dust, the minister of states for works and construction, General Edward Katumba Wamala dismissed the speculations of 30th June vehicle inspection deadline earlier circulated. In a statement General Katumba Wamala said that;   Hon minister presented a statement on the floor of the parliament which stated there was no deadline on provision of the service. The Hon speaker agreed and ruled that any announcement to this effect should stop and the ministry will run an announcement that there's no deadline. Shading lights on the exercise, he clarified that private small vehicles are to be inspected twice annually and once for heavy trucks. The insp...

Don't Let Scammers Prey On You

Each and every the world is getting smart, internet is becoming a necessity, hope you have heard of Internet Of Things(IOT) and Li-Fi is the new competitor to Wi-Fi. Very soon we shall see drones connecting the world to internet. Internet is almost a basic need to the world. The way internet is simplifying life, the more people continue to use it. According to statistics, 3,731,973,423 is the estimated number of internet users out of the estimated world population (7,519,028,970) and growth of users is estimated at an abnormal percentage of 900% for the past  17 years with  facebook estimated at 1.2 billion users, instagram at  700,000,000 users with  200 million daily users. Are we  safe, do you take take time to secure your privacy online? Recently 3 Scammers from Nigeria were jailed for 235 for cyber offences, how sure are you if you are not the next victim. avoid displaying your contacts online always,  especially on some social networks i always com...

The Health Benefits Of Pomegranate You Need To Know

  Pomegranate is not a very common fruit in some regions and may be new to the young generation. It's scientific name is called Punica granatum . It's a Shrub(small tree) bearing fruits which usually fall off especially when ripe. It contains a hundreds of seeds called arils rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers and sugars.   Pomegranate is cultivated on large scale in some regions of  South East Asia, Central Asia, California, Arizona, Mediterranean Basin, Indian sub continent, Middle East and Caucasus and Tropical Africa. Here is an insight on the health benefits of pomegranate you should know Pomegranate juice can be used for the treatment of sore throats. It lowers the risks of arthritis since it damages the enzymes that responsible for development of the disease. It prevents oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) since they are rich in antioxidants. Daily consumption of pomegranate maintains good blood flow in the body. This ensures proper s...

The Bear Butt Fashion

  Every year has memories to recall about it, if you are still burrowing weasels for 2016,then you have no stories to tell. Fashion wise, 2017 is a year to remember and appreciation goes to the vetements, the French Fashion company who designed it.   Ladies we are anticipating for you to embrace it and show what you mama gave you. Whoever On Trend does not recommend wearing it in night prayers, otherwise you may become a temptation. The same applies in night clubs, don't risk your self to hackers, though the decision upon you.   Hope party animals and karaoke dancers,this bear butt fashion is nice to embrace, and we are eager to see you dressed up. 

Adieu Cancer,The In-depth Research

  Graviola is believed to be a cure for cancer whoever there is mixed reactions between pharmaceutical companies and local herbalists. On trend disclosed all about the plant and the take between the pharmacists and consumers,here is our full report ...   Graviola comes from a tree in the rain forests of Africa, America and SouthEast Asia. Scientifically known as Annona muricata. It is known as custard apple, cherimoga, guanabana,soursop, Brazilian paw paw, ekitaferi and other names.  The flesh of the fruit consists of edible white pulp, some fiber and black seeds. The pulp is used to make fruit juice drinks, flavouring ice cream and other products.   Guanabana provides powerful relief from a wide range of of syndromes.   For centuries consumers use the leaves, roots, seeds and fruits to treat different syndromes like cancer, coughing, diabetes and other health complications.   Graviola has health benefits listed below :  Keeps the ski...