List Of Android Smartphones Getting The Oreo Update
In the first quarter of 2017, different tabloids started to blog about Android O, exhibiting a developer preview leaving many with questions about the code name O and what really stands for.
Just like the Google Nexus and Pixel users, every Android user would like to enjoy the marquee features of the latest Android version, "Android Oreo 8.0", like limiting the number of apps supposed to run in background, battery saving, picture in picture to let you see two apps at once, notification snoozing, downloadable fonts, text view autosizing, Wi-Fi Assistant and others.
Are you already on Android Oreo or you wish to upgrade to Oreo, does your device support or not ?
Here's a list of devices that are likely to get updates for Android Oreo 8.0. We don't guarantee that all the listed devices will get updates.
Here's a list of devices that are likely to get updates for Android Oreo 8.0. We don't guarantee that all the listed devices will get updates.
Nokia 3
Nokia 5
Nokia 6
Nokia 8
Nokia 3
Nokia 5
Nokia 6
Nokia 8
Zenfone3 Zoom
Zenfone3 Laser
Zenfone 3s Max
Zenfone 3max
Zenfone AR
Zenfone 3Delux
Zenfone 3ultra
Zenfone 3
Zenfone 4
Zenfone selfie Pro
Zenfone 4 Selfie
Zenfone 4max
Zenfone3 Zoom
Zenfone3 Laser
Zenfone 3s Max
Zenfone 3max
Zenfone AR
Zenfone 3Delux
Zenfone 3ultra
Zenfone 3
Zenfone 4
Zenfone selfie Pro
Zenfone 4 Selfie
Zenfone 4max
HTC U Ultra
HTC 10
HTC U Ultra
HTC 10
Honor 6X
Honor 8Lite
Honor 8Pro
Mate 9
Mate 9Pro
Mate 10
Honor 6X
Honor 8Lite
Honor 8Pro
Mate 9
Mate 9Pro
Mate 10
Lenovo k8
Lenovo K8 Note
Lenovo K8 Plus
Lenovo k8
Lenovo K8 Note
Lenovo K8 Plus
G4 Plus
Moto G5
Moto G5 plus
Moto G5s
Moto G5s plus
Moto Z2 play
Moto Z2 Force Edition
Moto Z play
Moto Z play Droid
Moto X4
G4 Plus
Moto G5
Moto G5 plus
Moto G5s
Moto G5s plus
Moto Z2 play
Moto Z2 Force Edition
Moto Z play
Moto Z play Droid
Moto X4
One plus:
One plus 5
One plus 3
One plus 3T
One plus 5
One plus 3
One plus 3T
Galaxy A3
Galaxy A5
Galaxy A7
Galaxy C7 Pro
Galaxy C9 Pro
Galaxy J5 Pro
Galaxy J7 Pro
Galaxy J7 Max
Galaxy S7
Galaxy S7 Edge
Galaxy S7 Active
Galaxy S8
Galaxy S8+
Galaxy Note8
Galaxy Tab S3
Galaxy A3
Galaxy A5
Galaxy A7
Galaxy C7 Pro
Galaxy C9 Pro
Galaxy J5 Pro
Galaxy J7 Pro
Galaxy J7 Max
Galaxy S7
Galaxy S7 Edge
Galaxy S7 Active
Galaxy S8
Galaxy S8+
Galaxy Note8
Galaxy Tab S3
Xperia X
Xperia X performance
Xperia XA
Xperia XA1
Xperia XA1 Ultra
Xperia XZ
Xperia X Touch
Xperia XA Plus
Xperia XZs
Xperia X Compact
Xperia X
Xperia X performance
Xperia XA
Xperia XA1
Xperia XA1 Ultra
Xperia XZ
Xperia X Touch
Xperia XA Plus
Xperia XZs
Xperia X Compact
Mi 6
Mi A1
Mi Mix2
Mi Max2
Mi Note3
Redmi 4A
Redmi 4
Redmi Note4
Mi 6
Mi A1
Mi Mix2
Mi Max2
Mi Note3
Redmi 4A
Redmi 4
Redmi Note4
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